Saturday, June 23, 2012

Seeing the Grasp Change


Obliviously lost
a boy
a girl
Watch future unfurl.
Hour. Day.
Ages away
Until the moment of insight
When unconsidered could-have-been
Stands clearly
Never to be.

Midlife, where I and many of you are, is a natural time of life to evaluate hopes and dreams. Some visions will continue to call us forward. We'll set our paths in some exciting new directions. And there may be some well-worn desires that need to be released, hopefully remaining as more sweet than bitter could-have-beens.

Wishing us all (regardless of our age) the wisdom to know what to grasp and what to release when the time is ripe.

This blog post is part of a series of writing (May 31-June 2012) by Tammy Fletcher Bergland about holding on and letting go.

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