Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Readjusting the Grip

During the months after my first round of cancer battles, I pushed to carry on with life as I knew it. I don’t know how successful I was; memories are hazy. Mostly, I remember being unable to communicate what I needed to say in word or song or prayer, staring at walls for hours that seemed like moments, and playing this song over and over and over . . .

Lying at the bottom
I can clearly see the top
Pressed against this firm foundation
I count none of this as loss
As I struggle up each mountain
With every bloody knee
I am often prone to stumble
It’s this rock that catches me

It’s this rock that tells me
That’s what valleys are for
It’s from here that we measure
Just how far we must go
You don’t know how tall you stand
Until you fall

Mountains cast a shadow
At times it’s hard to tell
Will the darkness overtake you
Will you succeed or fall
Though I’ve climbed a thousand mountains
Stood upon their peaks
I still draw my greatest comfort
From the rock that lies beneath

It’s this rock that tells me
That’s what valleys are for
It’s from here that we measure
Just how far we must go
You don’t know how tall you stand
Until you fall

I thank God for all who share the light you’ve been given. Hold it tightly and high for all to see!

This blog post is part of a series of writing (May 31-June 2012) by Tammy Fletcher Bergland about holding on and letting go.

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